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The Way Home (Chasing #3) Page 7

  I noticed then she’d also changed clothes. Her hair had been pulled into a ponytail. Her face was scrubbed clean. She’d tried to hide the bruise on her cheek with makeup, but there was nothing she could do about that lip. The thought of another man putting his hands on her was almost more than I could stomach. Before I could stop myself, my thumb gently brushed against her full bottom lip. She was as soft as silk. I felt that touch all the way down to the tips of my toes. My muscles tightened in anticipation.

  Her lush mouth parted. A small gasp escaped her lips. Our eyes held one another. The flash of heat in her gaze surely matched my own. Regardless of all of the rules I’d set for myself, I wanted this woman despite the consequences.

  “Let’s go,” I muttered, suddenly angry with myself for my loss of control. If I didn’t watch it, the next thing I knew, I’d be spouting lovesick shit and following her around like a lost puppy.

  Hell no, that wasn’t happening to me.

  “Get in the truck.” My temper rising. This was all her fault.

  “What the hell is your problem?” she huffed as we walked down the front porch steps into the yard.

  Instead of answering, I ignored her and tried to focus on our surroundings instead of the woman who was slowly but surely driving me out of my mind. As soon as all of this shit blew over, I’d be paying Lilah a visit. She’d said anytime, and you can damn well guarantee I’d take her up on that offer since a certain trouble making blonde had inspired an itch I needed desperately to scratch. Miley Triton was one big complication after another.

  She slammed my door. I gritted my teeth and started the truck. It was obvious by now, she had to suspect how I felt about my damn truck. “Must you slam the fucking door?” I asked, feigning a politeness I sure as hell didn’t feel. I was really trying my best not to be a dick, but she’d try the patience of a saint.

  She glared at me with her eyes flashing then her lips curved into a sweet smile. “Must you always be such a fucking asshole?” she asked, feigning the same polite tone I’d just used on her.

  Despite myself, and the current rotten mood I was in, my lips curved into a grin even though the muscles in my cheeks screamed in protest. “Yeah, darling, I must.” I backed the truck out of the driveway and onto the road. Neither one of us said a word. The silence suited me just fine anyway.

  When we arrived at Sierra’s school, I asked Miley if she would like for me to accompany her inside, but she quickly told me no. It was obvious she didn’t enjoy my company, so here I sat in the truck, somewhat patiently, waiting, and cooling my heels as I tried to come to terms with how I felt about her. I glanced at the truck’s dash. It was almost time for school to let out. It seemed like she had been in there forever.

  I watched the parking lot fill with vehicles and couldn’t help but notice the blonde who had arrived in the vintage Mustang only moments before. She seemed familiar. She was walking across the parking lot to the school when it hit me who she was… Kara Thorn.

  Silently, I prayed she wouldn’t notice me since the thought of facing another inquisition as to why I was suddenly back in town made my stomach clench. The last time I had passed through Crawley, I’d offered her a ride. I didn’t want to, but she hadn’t really left me with much of a choice in the matter. Before I could look away, our eyes met. Shit! She was heading my way.

  Damn it all to hell, I couldn’t catch a break.

  “Well, fancy meeting you here, Nate. Of all the places I expected to run into you, I never thought it would be here.”

  Those keen blue eyes of hers studied my face. She made me uncomfortable. I didn’t like to explain myself to anyone. Personally, I had nothing against Kara. In fact, she was one of the few people in Crawley who I actually still liked, but her link to my past was a painful reminder of what I’d lost.

  “I’m waiting on someone,” I muttered, hoping she would take the hint and move on but, instead, she laughed.

  “Well, that’s pretty obvious, Nate.”

  She fiddled with the strap of her purse. Sunlight caught on the huge diamond ring sitting on the fourth finger of her left hand. She must be married. Silence stretched between us, but I made no attempt at conversation. I didn’t want to talk, especially not to her.

  “Well, I just wanted to say thanks again for taking me home that night at the hospital.” Her hand fluttered nervously in the air before landing on the slight swell of her stomach hidden beneath the pink sundress she wore.

  She was pregnant.

  From out of nowhere, a painful tug of remorse stabbed at my heart. I wanted to congratulate her but the words, they just wouldn’t come. There was also the sudden urge to say something mean to her just so she would leave, but no matter how much of a dick I came across as to others, I didn’t have it in me to hurt her. I’d always had a soft spot where she and Addie were concerned since they’d sometimes tag along on dates with me and Natalie.

  “Who’s the lucky guy?” I asked, deciding to cut her some slack since it was obvious she wasn’t in a hurry to leave anytime soon.

  She grinned, her expression growing soft. It was that kind of look right there that could turn a man into a bumbling idiot. “Devon McGraw,” she informed me. “I’m here picking up our son, Jagger.”

  She had a family.

  Swallowing past the sudden lump in my throat, my eyes shifted from hers to glance at the building. Why in the hell it was taking Miley so long? The door opened, and they appeared. Sierra was holding Miley’s hand. Her tiny face was animated. Her lips were moving a mile a minute. She looked just like her mom. Through the windshield, Miley’s gaze met mine. She smiled.

  “I’d heard you bought your grandma’s old house back and The Eight Ball. It’s good that you’re back in town, Nate.”

  A halfway smile curved my lips at hearing those words. She was one of the few people I was sure of who may actually be glad of my return. “Thanks,” I replied. She was smiling at me, and there was no judgment to be found in her eyes. Kara actually meant what she said.

  “Well, I guess I better go in and pick up Jagger. He’s probably wondering where I am. You take care of yourself, Nate Lucas.”

  At hearing the sincerity of her tone, my chest grew tight. “You, too, Kara McGraw,” I mumbled softly, and watched her walk across the parking lot. She stopped to speak with Miley and gave Sierra a hug. Miley threw her head back and laughed at something she said. Somewhere deep inside me, I ached with an emotion I’d hoped to never experience again as long as I lived… it was longing.

  Feelings were for pussies, and I buried mine along with Natalie and our child. My jaw clenched when Kara and Miley both glanced toward the truck. What in the hell were the two of them talking about? Whatever it was, I was somewhat certain that it involved me. Women!

  When Miley opened the passenger side door, Sierra looked at me. Then, she glanced at her mom as if silently asking if it were safe to climb inside. Miley nodded her head. The kid was far too wary for a four-year-old. She climbed in with Miley’s help and stayed as far away from me as possible. She was practically pressed against Miley’s side.

  “Sierra, we talked about this,” Miley said, drawing the seatbelt across Sierra’s waist and adjusting it. She gave me a timid smile, then averted her eyes to stare down at her daughter. I wondered what she had told her during their talk. “Tonight we are going to have a sleepover at Nate’s.”

  “Like we did at Uncle Cecil’s?” Sierra asked, and my hands clenched the steering wheel. Uncle? Really? I gritted my teeth, drawing in a deep breath. What the hell? Fuck, let it go, Nate! I’d ask her about it later whenever we were alone. I had a whole list of questions that needed answers, and I intended to get them. If my suspicions were correct, this wasn’t the first time Ryder Blade had come around sniffing Miley out.

  “Yes, just like at Uncle Cecil’s, baby.” I heard her reply as I pulled out of the parking space and took a left at the light to head for home.

  As I drove, Miley spoke with Sierra asking her about her
day. Miley was patient and loving. It was obvious to anyone who spent any amount of time around the two of them that she was a good mother. Sierra was holding her hand. I couldn’t help but listen in as she told her mom all about her day at school. Obviously, preschool was a lot of hard work and mandatory naps. When we pulled into the driveway, Hank ran toward the truck wagging his tail. The big goober was happy to see me.

  “He has a dog,” Sierra squealed, and it was the first time I’d ever seen the kid let her guard down. She actually smiled at me. As soon as I parked in the driveway, she scrambled over her mother’s lap and climbed out of the truck.

  “She really loves dogs,” Miley explained with a smile.

  “Sit, Hank,” I commanded, before he managed to jump on Sierra and scare her to death. If he did, he might knock her down. I was actually shocked that he decided to obey me.

  The big pup wouldn’t intentionally harm a flea, but his enthusiasm… well, it was a little bit too enthusiastic at times. Miley walked up behind Sierra who stood waiting at the front of the truck. She was gazing longingly at Hank as if he were the answer to her prayers.

  “Can I pet him?” she asked, her voice laced with excitement. Miley glanced expectantly at me.

  “Sure,” I said. “Knock yourself out.” My lips curved into a grin mimicking Sierra’s, and I watched as she cautiously approached Hank. It surprised me that she didn’t run straight toward him.

  “Good doggie.” I heard her say as I reached into the back of the truck and grabbed the duffle bags from the bed.

  When I turned around, Miley and Sierra were both kneeling on the ground rubbing Hank’s belly. The greedy bastard ate it up. His mouth was opened wide. It looked like he was smiling. That mile long tongue of his was hanging out the side of his mouth and his tail was wagging a mile a minute.

  “This is a nice place you have here,” Miley said gazing up at me from her knees. My steps flattered, and I shook my head at the sudden image of her kneeling before me in an entirely different scenario.

  For fuck’s sake, her child was here.

  “Thanks.” I cleared my throat, somewhat disturbed at the turn of my thoughts. “Let me show you around the house.”

  Miley stood and reached for the duffel bags in my hand, but I held them just out of her reach. “I’ve got this.”

  She shrugged her shoulders as if saying okay. A half smile quirked her lips. “Come on, Sierra.” The little girl whined and proceeded to ignore Miley. She continued to scratch Hank’s belly.

  “He’ll lay there all day and let you pet him. He’s shameless. You two will spoil him rotten.”

  Miley smiled at me then looked at Sierra again. This time, her expression was stern. “On the count of three,” she said and began to count.

  Sierra immediately pushed herself up from the ground and glared at her mom. I chuckled beneath my breath and turned, walking toward the house. Miley fell into step beside me, and I shot her a grin. She smiled shaking her head. “She’s so stubborn sometimes.”

  I glanced over my shoulder to see Sierra and Hank following behind us. “I wonder where she gets it from,” I said. Miley burst out laughing. I liked the sound of her laughter just a little too much.

  “I guess she comes by it quite honestly.” She smiled and my thoughts drifted back to all the times I’d visited Matt at his house after school. His sisters had always been such a huge pain in the ass.

  “I seem to recall a certain girl that used to love to torture her brother and his best friend.”

  “Mia was good for that,” Miley chimed, placing the blame entirely onto her sister.

  I laughed, and it felt good. She smiled back at me. “Watch your step. I’m replacing some of the boards.”

  My hand went to Miley’s waist as she stepped up onto the makeshift steps leading up to the front porch. At my touch, she glanced over her shoulder, her eyes meeting mine. Her face was an open book. Her pupils dilated. The rapid rise and fall of her chest didn’t escape my attention either. She was just as attracted to me as I was to her, and I’d have to be dead not to notice whatever this was that was happening between us.

  “Be careful,” I mumbled, and quickly pulled my hand away. I shouldn’t have touched her no matter how good she felt. Hank bounded up the steps leaving Sierra behind, and I looked down at the little girl standing beside me. Miley paused and turned with her hand held out to Sierra.

  “Can I pick you up?” I asked, but she shook her head no then darted past me up the steps to take her mother’s hand. Her rejection stung. It shouldn’t have, but it did. She was only a child, but that wary expression on her small face made my stomach clench. Miley anxious eyes met mine.

  “I’m sorry.” She mouthed.

  I shook my head trying to reassure her that it was no big deal. I climbed up the steps and walked past them. When I opened the front door, Hank ran past us and sprang into the house first. He always had to be first. He headed straight for the kitchen. His stomach was always his top priority even though I’d placed food and water outside before I’d left early this morning. I held the door open, and looked expectantly from Miley to Sierra.

  “Hank has no manners. Ladies first.” I grinned.

  “Go ahead,” Miley encouraged, and Sierra ran past. Miley slowly walked toward me and placed her hand upon my chest. The gesture sent my heart racing. Her touch had the ability to destroy me. I was a glutton for punishment, but I drew in a deep breath without saying a word, inhaling the scent of honeysuckle and woman. It was fast turning in to an addiction of mine. For a moment, we stood frozen in place staring back at one another.

  “Thank you, Nate.”

  Her face was tilted upward. She was smiling. If I lowered my head a couple of inches those lips could be under mine. Damn, I wanted those lips. Their plush, sexy softness beckoned mine and, someday soon, I’d allow myself a taste, but only when they were both no longer in danger. Just one taste to get her out of my system, and then I’d walk away and I wouldn’t look back.

  “It’s no big deal,” I said and she patted my chest and turned to walk inside the house.

  Drawing a deep breath, I whispered a silent prayer. I closed the door behind me only to turn around to find the two of them standing in the middle of the living room appearing lost. “Make yourself at home. The kitchen is that way.” I pointed down the hall. “There’s also a mudroom and a bathroom branching off from the kitchen that leads to a back porch. Good sized yard out there along with a storage shed. Plenty of room to run and play,” I said, averting my gaze from Miley’s to Sierra. I couldn’t allow myself to get caught up in my emotions. This wasn’t my family. “There’s also an old tire swing underneath a big oak tree outback.”

  “Is that how you got your scar?” Miley asked, catching me off guard. Absently, I touched the scar slicing the eyebrow above my left eye.

  I nodded and half-way grinned at the sudden memory. “I think I hit every branch in the tree before I landed at the bottom.”

  “Did you get hurt?” Sierra asked, and the fact that she’d actually spoken directly to me came as a surprise.

  “I sure did.” My lips curved into a grin as I knelt down onto one knee on the hardwood floor. I set the bags down beside me. “Do you see this scar?” I asked, and Sierra took a cautious step toward me while peering into my face. I pointed at my eyebrow, and her blue eyes widened as she studied my scar.

  “Do you want to know what happened next?” She nodded her head.

  “My gran came flying out of the house. I thought for sure I was in trouble. She helped me up, took me into the house, cleaned, and bandaged my cut, and then she marched me right back outside to that tree and told me to try it again.“

  “Were you scared?” she asked, her expression solemn. It was all I could do not to laugh.

  I glanced at Miley, who stood there smiling and watching the both of us. My eyes flickered back to the little girl before me who was still patiently awaiting an answer. “Was I scared?” I repeated, thinking back to that day.<
br />
  Hell yeah, I’d been scared shitless.

  “See, that summer I had a growing spurt. I’d never been able to reach the lower branches before, until then. I might have only been a couple years older than you. It was the first time I’d ever tried to climb a tree and after that fall, I knew it would be my last.” Her rapt expression let me know that she was hanging on my every word.

  “Why did your gran make you climb that tree again? That’s just mean.” Her tiny forehead was scrunched in outrage. “If I were scared, Mommy wouldn’t make me climb that tree,” she stated, obviously not understanding the wisdom behind my gran’s actions.

  My lips curved into a grin as I studied her. Sierra was identical to Miley. I didn’t see a trace of Ryder Blade anywhere in the tiny features of the sweet face staring back at me. “You see, my gran, she wanted to teach me a valuable lesson. She knew in this life we have to face what we fear. We can’t be afraid of the fall or anything else. Sometimes, the fall happens. Sometimes, it doesn’t, but she didn’t want me to let that old oak tree get the best of me. She didn’t want me to be afraid of climbing trees when she knew how badly I’d wanted to do just that. She didn’t want me to be afraid of trying new things. She’d always said that life was an adventure. It’s meant to be lived, not spent standing underneath an old oak tree wishing you could reach the highest branch.”

  “I get it,” Sierra suddenly exclaimed. I chuckled and glanced at Miley. She was wiping her cheeks. Hell, I’d made her cry. I realized then that I’d said too much. What happened to keeping my distance and keeping my big mouth shut?

  I stood as Hank leapt back through the doorway and into the living room making a beeline straight for Sierra. It was obvious the big pup was crazy about her. “The bedrooms are upstairs and there’s another bathroom at the end of the hall. My room is the first one on the right. There are three more to choose from, so take your pick. One doesn’t have a bed, but if you want that empty room we can switch the bed around. The bedframes are old, but the mattresses are new.”

  “That’s fine, Nate,” Miley reassured me. I was bumbling on like an idiot. This woman was slowly but surely un-manning me. Next thing, I’d be offering to bake cookies for the both of them.