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The Way Home (Chasing #3) Page 8

  “You two make yourselves at home. You’ll be safe here,” I muttered and glanced down at Sierra who sat on the floor playing with Hank. He was a sorry ass, but he’d also help protect them. Later, I’d call the Sheriff and see if he’d send a patrol car out this way just to help keep an eye on them. “I’m going to head back to The Eight Ball. I shouldn’t be gone long. I’ve got some business to take care of and a broken pisser to fix.”

  “Little ears, Nate,” Miley said, reminding me of Sierra’s presence. I’d really have to work on toning down the cursing. Hell, it was second nature to me. This could definitely be a problem.

  “Walk me out to the truck.”

  She appeared confused by my request, but didn’t argue. This was a first. Maybe, the day was looking up after all. She knelt down beside Hank and hugged Sierra against her chest. Sierra squirmed against her while still managing to continue to rub Hank’s fat belly. “I’m going to step outside with Nate for a minute. I’ll be right back, baby.”

  “Okay, Mommy.” Sierra giggled as Hank licked her.

  Miley and I walked out of the house and onto the front porch. She grabbed my hand as I started down the steps. A current of electricity shot up my arm, but my fingers automatically curled around hers.

  “Why am I walking you out to your truck?” she asked, her expression curious.

  “Why do you think?” I smirked, arching an eyebrow at her.

  A pale pink flush immediately stained her cheeks; she tried to tug her hand free, but I refused to let it go — not until she stepped from the last concrete block and onto solid ground. I don’t know why I even said that. I just couldn’t help myself around her.

  “You can be such an ass at times,” she stated, immediately turning around to go right back inside the house.

  “Wait, Miley. I was only teasing.”

  She glanced over her shoulder at me; her eyes shooting daggers.

  “You need protection. I can’t leave you here without a gun,” I explained.

  She didn’t say a word, but that wary look from earlier had returned and I hated that this time, I’d been the one who put it there. As we walked side by side, I couldn’t help but glance over at her. Her eyes met mine. She stared at me curiously.

  “Why are you protecting us, Nate?”

  I couldn’t explain it. If I tried, she would think I was crazy. Hell, I was beginning to doubt my own sanity when it came to her. I opened the truck’s passenger side door then the glove box and took out the gun. I opened the cylinder double checking the ammo already loaded inside.

  “You know how to use this?” I asked, and she shot me a smile while arching a slim eyebrow at me. Her expression was full of mischief.

  “Does a bear shit in the woods?” she asked.

  I burst out laughing and handed her the gun. Damn, she was feisty. “Keep it out of Sierra’s reach,” I cautioned.

  She huffed, obviously thinking I was an idiot for even saying those words out loud, but you could never be too careful where kids and guns were concerned. I shut the door and walked past her.

  “Nate.” I heard her say, and I turned around to find her standing there staring back at me with those sexy blue eyes of hers. Her expression was soft. A man could definitely get used to a woman looking at him like that.

  “Yeah,” I mumbled, finally finding my voice. Want clawed deep in my gut twisting my heart in its fist.

  “It’s nice to know you care.”

  She took a step toward me. My breath quickened at her nearness. It never occurred to me to take a step back. I stared down at her, frozen in place. I didn’t move a muscle… not even when she raised her hand and placed it directly over my heart. It was racing with all of the emotions she inspired.

  My hands twitched, clenching at my sides. I couldn’t touch her, and it was all I could do not to do just that. Lush lips came closer, and I was frozen in place as they pressed against my bearded chin. This was the one time I wished that I was clean shaven so I could know exactly what those lip felt like against my bare skin. There was a roaring in my ears. It was almost deafening. My muscles were too tight for my skin.

  Then in the blink of an eye, she stepped back wearing a pleased smile and patted my chest.

  What the hell? I wasn’t Hank.

  “Later,” she said. She turned around, walking back to the house as I stood there rendered speechless by the mere touch of her hand and briefest brush of her lips.


  WHEN I ARRIVED back at The Eight Ball, it was just in time to catch the tail end of the lunch rush. All of the tables were full except for a few in the back. Business seemed to be good. A couple guys were taking advantage of the mid-day lull squeezing in a game of pool. By evening, there was not a doubt in my mind that every table here would be seeing some action. From the jukebox in the corner, “Stand by Me” softly drifted from the speakers. When Ben E. King hit the chorus, I couldn’t help but hum along with him underneath my breath.

  A woman’s loud, full belly laughter drew my attention. She was wiping her eyes and giggling with her friend. The bartender, a young dark haired guy with a toothy grin, leaned across the bar smiling at the women. Whatever he’d said, it must have been damn funny. You can bet your ass he was working for his tip. He didn’t appear old enough to tend bar. I’d have to pull his employee file. I wouldn’t put it past him to have sweet talked his way around Mavis Davies. He seemed like the type.

  I sidestepped a slim brunette balancing a serving tray. We barely managed to avoid a disaster. “Sorry,” I muttered, and she flashed me a flirty smile before hurrying about her way. My eyes immediately landed on Cecil’s big frame as he burst through the swinging door from the back and came around the bar heading straight toward me.

  “I picked up a urinal at Stanton’s. Can you get the back door for me?”

  “Sure, is Miley all right?” he asked, appearing concerned. “I thought maybe she and Sierra were with you.”

  “Miley needed to rest. I’ve spoken with the Sheriff, and he’s sending out a unit to keep an eye on them. Both are fine. They’re staying at my house.”

  “I know,” he said and the muscles in his face tightened, clueing me in to the fact that he’d already spoken with Miley. I wasn’t surprised. He stared back at me with narrowed beady eyes. I bet it really burned his ass to a crisp knowing that Miley and Sierra were with me. If I had my way, they would stay on Hawk Mountain until that scumbag ex of hers was caught.

  “The urinal?” I reminded him. I didn’t have all day. I wanted to tie up loose ends here and get back home as soon as possible.

  “Oh, I’ll get that door for you,” he said with a wink.

  I tipped my chin at him hiding a smirk and headed outside to pull the truck around. It must suck coming in second place.

  Ten minutes later, I found myself standing at the rear entrance behind the building. Where was Cecil? I tried to hold onto the urinal as I rapped my knuckles hard against the metal door again. Maybe, someone would hear. That fucker was probably in there somewhere laughing his ass off at me. Unexpectedly, my gran’s words hit me square in the face… You never fly too high that your own ass doesn’t bump the ground once in a while.

  The door suddenly swung open, and the brunette waitress from earlier was in the doorway eye fucking me.

  Holy Hell!

  “You coming in?” she asked, giggling obnoxiously.

  She was so damn obvious. I liked a woman to speak her mind in and out of the bedroom, but I didn’t like games nor did I play them.

  “Thanks.” I caught myself rolling my eyes as I carried the box inside. I was extra careful to keep my distance. I didn’t need to encourage her.

  “Men’s restroom?” she asked, closing the door behind me. The smell of her heavy perfume made my eyes water. It was something coconut and floral. She batted her eyelashes and pushed out her chest as she waited for my answer.

  Hell, the box was clearly marked urinal. There was even a picture. I didn’t need this shit,
not today.

  “Yeah,” I replied dryly. Then there was a moment of shame on my part. Maybe, she was just trying to be helpful.

  She followed me up the hallway. I could feel the weight of her stare centered in between my shoulder blades and among other parts of my anatomy. “Can you get that?” I asked. She flushed guiltily and smiled.

  When she went to move past me, her body brushed against mine. She raised her hand knocking on the restroom door. When no one answered, she pushed the door open then awarded me with another wide, toothy grin and a fluttering of her lashes.

  Why me?

  I ignored her and stepped inside, absently going through the mental checklist in my mind. There was so much shit that I needed to get done. I’d tackle the urinal situation first because, at the moment, it was the most pressing. Next, I’d introduce myself to the staff. After that, I was out of here and headed back home to Miley and Sierra.

  “Thanks,” I said, remembering my manners. My gran had drilled them into me growing up.

  The brunette made no move to leave; instead, she entered the restroom and closed the door.

  Shit! Shit! Shit!

  “I’m Katrina,” she announced and edged closer. Maybe, there was something in her eye.

  “Nate Lucas.” I mustered a halfway smile. I couldn’t be rude, even though I really wanted to be. Her green eyes widened at hearing my name.

  “You’re the new boss man.”

  “That’s me.” I was wishing she would just leave. This was getting me nowhere. I decided to go with the age old tactic of gentle but blunt. She was a lady after all and one of my employees. Side stepping the urinal sitting on the floor, I offered her my hand. “Nice to meet you, Katrina. Thanks for your help.”

  “Anytime,” she said and the way she rolled that one word around on her tongue should have been illegal. It let me know right then and there that she was game for more. Not interested. I turned to the tackle the task at hand.

  Maybe if I ignored her some more, she’d finally take the hint.

  Instead, she leaned against the bathroom counter making herself at home. What in the hell was she doing? Silently, I cursed Cecil. Somehow, I knew he was behind all of this.

  “If you’re not busy this evening, I could show you around town?”

  She did not just ask me out while standing in the men’s restroom, knowing I was her boss. I needed to set her straight. It wasn’t happening.

  “Thanks, but I’m originally from Crawley. I know where everything is,” I informed her, not feeling the least bit guilty for shooting her down. Enough was enough. Sure, she was cute, but another woman occupied my thoughts. When Katrina refused to leave, she left me with no choice.

  What if I wanted to take a piss?

  “Katrina, on your way out, make sure the rest of the staff is aware that I’m here. I’d like to meet with each of them before they go on break.”

  She seemed a little taken aback by my bluntness, but she did manage to smile. “Sure thing, boss man,” she said with a flirtatious wink and sauntered out the door.

  I was pretty sure the whole hip rolling action was entirely for my benefit, but I wasn’t impressed. It was impossible to think of anyone else other than the blonde distraction waiting for me at home. It was time to get down to business. Unfortunately, the pisser wasn’t going to fix itself.

  Two hours later, I was sitting at my desk going over the books. Mavis had left them in horrible shape. The Eight Ball was afloat. It wasn’t in the red and had actually managed to make a good profit overall, but it was as confusing as hell as to me why she hadn’t invested in a computer and some bookkeeping software.

  Fucking ledgers! I hated them!

  My head was pounding. Rubbing my temples, I wished I could leave. This had already taken way longer than I’d planned. One by one the staff had come to me. What I thought would be a quick introduction ended up as a list of demands. It was one thing after another: a cracked mirror in the women’s restroom; a squeaky board behind the bar; new waitress uniforms, and the list went on and on.

  How the hell they had managed before I came was a fucking mystery.

  It was almost six, so I shoved my chair away from the desk and stood. I’d had enough of this shit for one day. There was still the task of inventory, but I didn’t give a damn. I was going home; home to Miley and Sierra. In a couple of hours I’d return to start on the rest. I wanted to hurry and get everything squared away so I could spend my time making sure Miley and Sierra were safe. There was also the little order of business of tracking down Ryder Blade. I had a score to settle with him.

  A knock at the door had me lifting my head. Fuck, it was Cecil. His big hulking frame blocked the doorway. “What do you need, Cecil?”

  “We need to talk.” From the tone of his voice I could sense whatever he felt he had to say was serious. I motioned for him to take a chair and walked around to lean against the corner of the desk. I rubbed my temples again. My head was throbbing and Cecil glaring at me didn’t help.

  “So talk.”

  He crossed his bulging forearms over his massively wide chest. It was as plain as the nose on my face that Cecil didn’t care for me, not one damn bit. Well, woopity fucking doo, I didn’t give a rat’s ass as to whether he liked me or not. It didn’t matter. I was still his boss.

  “You want to take a seat?”

  “No,” he said and after a moment of silence, whatever little patience I’d had left disappeared.

  “Have you ever heard of the old saying, shit or get off the pot?” I asked him, and his eyes narrowed menacingly.

  “I’ll make this short and sweet,” he growled. “If you hurt Miley, I will hurt you.”

  Who the hell did he think he was coming into my office and threatening me? “You need to back down, Cecil. This is none of your concern.”

  “You heard what I said,” he taunted and then turned and walked away without giving me a chance to reply.

  My blood boiled. I pushed away from the desk going after him. The sound of her name coming from his mouth was enough to make me want to knock him flat on his ass. He was already half way up the hallway. For a big man, he could get the hell out of Dodge when he wanted to.

  “Cecil!” I barked. He paused and turned around to face me. With anger fueling my steps, I walked up the hall toward him. We stood toe to toe, and I looked him square in the eyes.

  I didn’t take any shit off anyone, especially not the likes of him.

  “If and when there is ever anything between myself and Miley, that’s our business. None of yours, do you understand? And don’t you ever disrespect me again in my place of business, or you’ll find yourself on your ass and out of a job.”

  He started to speak but must have thought better because his big mouth snapped shut. His eyes flashed angrily as he nodded his head and then disappeared into the kitchen. In the end, I may take an ass beating, but I’d be damned if I’d let that overgrown jackass come into my office and threaten me.

  When I walked out front, Maggie was at the bar and glanced my way. Maggie was in her late thirties, a single mom raising two kids. She’d seemed nice enough when I’d met her earlier. “I’ll be back in a couple of hours,” I told her. She nodded and then returned to pouring the drink.

  I needed to get away from The Eight Ball… to cool off and go home. Since I’d left the house, there had been no word from Miley. She hadn’t called the bar, and it made me uneasy. In my haste to take care of everything, I’d forgotten to ask for her phone number. A couple of hours ago I’d spoken with the Sheriff, and he’d assured me a patrol car was in the area. He’d said a deputy had even stopped by the house earlier. Silently, I wondered what Miley had thought about that. I bet she hadn’t liked it one bit. She still needed to press charges against Ryder. I was going to try my best to convince her to do just that.

  During the drive home, the conversation or lack of one I’d had with Cecil was stuck on repeat playing over and over in my mind. What was his deal anyway? I couldn�
�t figure him out. Cecil was clearly overly protective, and I planned on discussing this with Miley as soon as possible. Cecil could either cool his heels or he’d find another place to work. End of story. Bottom line.

  The sun had begun to set. The sky overhead was a muted dusky pink with violet streaks accompanied by shades of blue. When I pulled up into the driveway and parked in front of the house, a sense of calm settled over me. The welcoming signs of light shone from the windows, and for the first time in a long time, there was a sense of home… of belonging. Never mind that I was right back in the one place I’d sworn I’d never step foot in again, and, even though Miley’s situation was only temporary, it was nice to know that inside that house there were people waiting for me.

  The sound of Hank’s barking had my lips curving into a grin. Despite all the shit that had happened today, I was glad to be sitting outside this old house on Hawk Mountain. When I stuck my key in the front door lock, it swung open and I found myself face to face with Miley. She was wearing a bathrobe that hit her above the knees, and I wondered to myself if she was naked underneath.

  Hell, I couldn’t help it.

  “I was getting ready to take a bath.”

  A sudden image of her all soapy and wet came to mind. I could only imagine that the real thing would far exceed any fantasies I may have. Leave it to Hank to ruin the moment. He darted around Miley’s legs and barreled into me head first. After I dutifully scratched his ears and belly, he jumped from the porch and sprinted out into the yard.

  Poor guy had probably been dying to piss. I’d bet she’d forgotten to let him out.

  Sierra appeared behind Miley gazing curiously up at me. The pink gown she wore fell almost to her ankles. Her toenails were painted the same shade of pink as Miley’s. There was the smell of something wonderful lingering in the air, and my stomach chose that precise moment to loudly growl.

  “Welcome home,” Miley said with a giggle as she moved aside allowing me to enter the house. “Sierra and I cooked dinner.”